Are Smart Kitchen Appliances Worth the Money?
Smart home technology is showing up in more devices every day, like washing machines: dryers, fridges, stoves, locks, lights and heating and air conditioning.
A Clean and Tidy Home Can Boost Your Mental Health
We’re all prone to messy moments, but when intense disorganization is accompanied by symptoms of high stress, anxiety, burnout, or depression, it’s often an indicator that you may be struggling with your mental health.
Getting A Bigger Home, Expand or Buy?
When it comes to expanding your living conditions, there is no one-size-fits-all solution since so many variables are at play, says Siegel. “At the end of the day it’s a personal decision,” Siegal said.
You’ve Probably Never Cleaned This Part of Your Shower
Consider how old your shower head is. Has it been in the house since it was built? Has it ever been replaced? How many different people have used it?
3 Minor Home Repairs for Buyer Appeal
Planning to sell your home? Take note of a few things beforehand. Even the tiniest drip of a faucet, a stuck drawer, or a squeaky set of stairs can deter buyers.