How to Make Your Houseguest Feel Like a Rock Star
Give your guests the rock-star treatment with a few thoughtful and easy ideas for your guest room.
With the holidays upon us, we’re right in the middle of prime houseguest season. For many of us, that means that friends and family will soon start showing up on our doorsteps looking for a warm bed and a complimentary Netflix login.
We bet you already have the comfy bed covered, but we have a few easy suggestions for some ideas to steal to help make each of your houseguests feel like a real-life rockstar.
Easy Wi-Fi Access
What’s usually the No. 1 question a houseguest usually asks after settling in for a visit? What’s the Wi-Fi network and password info? This is a brilliant way to ensure that your guest never has to bug you with this question again: embroider it on their pillowcase! Another great idea is to print out the Wi-Fi/password info and put it in a frame on their bedside table.
Fresh Flowers
Fresh flowers are always a lovely way to make your houseguests feel welcome. If your guest is going to be staying with you for more than a day or so, make sure you remember to go in and change the water for their arrangement. If you’re not able to grab fresh flowers, however, consider a small plant or some succulents on a tray.
In-Room Snack Bar
Try using a small cart to create a fun snack bar for your guests. You can include bottles of water, iced tea or twist-off soda bottles. You can even include some beer (with a bottle opener) for your over-21 guests. Small bags of chips, nuts or candy bars would also be nice to include. Make sure you also leave plenty of napkins, small bowls or plates, as well as coasters that your guests can use on their bedside table.
Luxe Bedding
While it might be tempting to skimp on the bedding for a guest room, it really can make the world of difference for all of your family and friends who will be staying with you. Try to have at least two sets of guest bedroom bedding on hand that are at least 300-thread count. Fluffy pillows and a fresh duvet/down comforter are always a good bet, too. And don’t forget to have an extra blanket or two easily accessible in case your guest gets chilly.
Household Notebook
If you tend to have a lot of houseguests, you might want to create an easy access household notebook for them. You can either write out info or print it out (and glue it to the pages) so that your guests have all the scoop they need during their stay.
You can include things like:
Alarm codes
Necessary phone numbers
Info for entering and exiting the house
How to use the remote control(s)
Info on the washer/dryer
Bathroom Amenities
One of my very favorite things about staying at a nice hotel is the giant fluffy robe that they always have hanging in the bathroom to use throughout your stay. If you want to make things super luxe for your guests, consider investing in a yummy, thick robe that you can leave for them on the back of your guest bedroom door. You could even embroider a cheeky little phrase on the robe for fun such as “boom” or “#winning.”
Vacation Reads
Why not leave your guest a stack of some current magazines or books to help keep them busy during their stay? You can customize the reading materials based on your guest’s preferences.
Personal Note
An easy way to make your houseguest feel truly welcome is to leave a personal note for them on their bed or on the bedside table. Try having each member of the family write a quick message to make them feel extra special. And feel free to share any important details about any events or outings that they should have on their radar while they’re staying with you.
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