A Whole-House Cleaning Schedule You’ll Actually Stick To
The simplest way to keep your home reliably clean? Stick to a cleaning schedule. It’s not as daunting as it sounds. On the contrary, when set up correctly, it’s quite the opposite. “A whole-home cleaning schedule allows you to feel less stressed because you know that neat and tidy isn’t ever too far out of reach,” says Aby Garvey, organizing and productivity expert at Simplify 101.
How To Determine Your Home’s Best Design Style
From all-white and neutral décor to vibrant paint and full walls, design trends have majorly shifted in recent years. Combine your property’s history with your personal preferences to find an interior design style you love.
Create a catalog of your favorite home features to inspire your home décor and design name.
How To Build Equity in a Home
Building equity is one of the primary financial benefits of homeownership. You don’t notice it while it’s happening, but if all goes well, you end up with a significant asset that you can use for almost any financial need.
The 8 Germiest Places in Your Kitchen
The kitchen has more places for cooties than anywhere else in your home — even more than your bathroom, on average.
How Tik Tok Has Influenced Home Design This Year
Taskrabbit, the online marketplace of service providers for home projects, analyzed 3.9 million Taskrabbit bookings from the last 12 months to gain insight into trending tasks and conducted a survey to learn how social media platforms pushed forward these trends.
How to Organize Your Closet Once and for All
When it comes to home organization, tackling your bedroom closet is perhaps one of the most difficult yet ultimately satisfying tasks. While organizing a utility closet, linen closet, or pantry involves editing and categorizing everyday items such as cleaning supplies, towels, and nonperishable foods that probably don’t trigger any sentimental feelings, many of us become attached to our clothes, shoes, and accessories along with the memories sparked at the sight of them.
4 Tips for Buying a Home in 2022
There are plenty of good reasons to buy a home — financial stability, building equity in a place of your own, and not having to follow a landlord’s rules.
If you’re eager to buy a home in 2022, here are four important tips to help make that happen.
Getting A Bigger Home, Expand or Buy?
When it comes to expanding your living conditions, there is no one-size-fits-all solution since so many variables are at play, says Siegel. “At the end of the day it’s a personal decision,” Siegal said.
Feng Shui Equals Small Changes
I grew up with traditional Korean parents who placed an emphasis on creating a home that was reliable and stable. Feng shui gives me that energy.
How To Clean Your Fireplace
There’s nothing better than a cozy, crackling fire on a cold winter night.
Tips on Increasing Attic-Insulation Efficiency
Statistics show that 85 percent of a house’s heat loss is straight up through the attic space.