How Often Should You Water Your Garden?
Even with a solid watering schedule, you should check the soil often to make sure your garden is getting enough water (and not too much!). It’s as simple as feeling the soil. If you can make a moist ball with the soil in the palm of your hand, it’s watered enough. If it starts to fall apart or feels cracked and hard, it will need some additional watering.
Buying a Cabin with Friends or Family
Co-owning a cabin requires extra communication. Be ready and comfortable to discuss details regarding finances and the use of the property.
Get The Most When Selling Your Home
It’s important to negotiate house offers to earn the best price and terms on the sale. Here are some insights you can use to accept the champion offer on your home.
How To Build Equity in a Home
Building equity is one of the primary financial benefits of homeownership. You don’t notice it while it’s happening, but if all goes well, you end up with a significant asset that you can use for almost any financial need.
The 8 Germiest Places in Your Kitchen
The kitchen has more places for cooties than anywhere else in your home — even more than your bathroom, on average.
The Best Month to Sell Your House
It’s true that today’s persistently low inventory is offering sellers an advantage even outside the typical spring home-selling season, but there is more that smart sellers need to keep in mind when it comes to timing the market.
The Ultimate Holiday Lights Safety Checklist
When it’s time to switch your holiday lights on, you’ll want to make sure that they’ve been assembled properly. A little preparation now will save you the potential hassle of restringing your lights later on – or more seriously, the potential hazard of a preventable winter fire.
First-time Homeowner Tips for the Holiday
Whether you’re preparing to host a full house of relatives or to leave town for an extended period of time, follow these tips to help navigate your first holiday season as a homeowner. First-time homeowners tips for the Holidays.
International Peace Day – End Racism. Build Peace.
Trust, inclusiveness, and cooperation are the after effect of peace among societies, both within and between nations. The harmonious co-existence of individuals is the aim of celebrating International Day of Peace. It is a day of celebration to recognize the efforts of all those who have and continue to build a Culture of Peace. The United Nations invites every individual around the globe to strive toward a world where harmony wins over hostility.
4 Tips for Buying a Home in 2022
There are plenty of good reasons to buy a home — financial stability, building equity in a place of your own, and not having to follow a landlord’s rules.
If you’re eager to buy a home in 2022, here are four important tips to help make that happen.
Are Heated Driveways Worth It?
Have you ever thought about a heated driveway but wondered if it was worth the cost? If you live in the Midwest, it could be a dream come true. Let’s dive into the price and functionality to find out.
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Warm Up Your Car In The Winter
Is warming up your car in the winter before driving it, good or bad? Learn why it may be causing more damage than good.
You can find more articles and tips like this at
Getting A Bigger Home, Expand or Buy?
When it comes to expanding your living conditions, there is no one-size-fits-all solution since so many variables are at play, says Siegel. “At the end of the day it’s a personal decision,” Siegal said.
3 Minor Home Repairs for Buyer Appeal
Planning to sell your home? Take note of a few things beforehand. Even the tiniest drip of a faucet, a stuck drawer, or a squeaky set of stairs can deter buyers.
Closing Your Cabin: 9 Great Tips
It’s that time of the year! Check out these 9 tips for closing your cabin for the off-season